Management, Principal and Correspondent can view all of institution academic activities at a click of mouse.
Schedule the reports to trigger emails automatically at scheduled intervals, hence have the system intelligence without even logging into the application.
Access to various reports which are summary and analysis
Attendance analysis.
Exams and Evaluation analysis.
Student Profile (academic, attendance, marks, grading, fee details, interactions between faculties and parents, assignments and home work, circulars, notices).
Over dues analysis (Fee receivables Vs receipts) and follow-ups.
Analysis reports at regular intervals on fleet utilization, inventory levels, library.
Parent/Student feedback and corrective actions.
Comparison reports on various modules/functions from previous years Vs current. Examples,
What was the each year revenue of last 5 years Vs current.
What was the total strength of an organization and/or branch when compare with previous years and what was the percentage of increment/decrement.
What were the expenses when compared with previous years Vs current.
What is the number and percentage of drop-outs by year wise.
So many various reports and KPI information would be provided …